Is there not a spoken word?!

“Is There Not a… Spoken Word!?”

It was about 3:16 am, I was woken up by thoughts of intimidation and swirling imaginations that I knew were coming from the enemy of my dream.

So I got up and began the war of word’s!

I began to parry with the weapon of my word’s that I have received from God over the past 30 years. I began to strike with the two-edged sword coming out of my mouth against the noise of the enemy, trying to contain and overwhelm me.

We always win, because He already won! Our job is to show up and enforce His victory!

The title, “Is There Not a Spoken Word!?”, comes from Psalms 17:29 that says, “And David said, “What have I done now? Is there not a cause?” NKJV

“Is there not a cause?”, is a rallying cry that is said when trying to get people involved around an issue.


Causes are important and we need to be vigilant and take the responsibilities that are ours and rally people to be answers!

There are many causes that people rally around…

To defeat cancer


Natural disasters like floods, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.

Abuse, and all the other worthy causes that need to be addressed.

But, that’s not what David was speaking of on that divinely designed day. Oh no it was far greater than just addressing a symptom that sin or the enemy concocted.

His statement goes all the way back to the original intent, the original dream, and the original plan God Himself designed before there was anything.

David shows up and he is already anointed as King.

David shows up already anointed in the Presence of The King, because of his regiment of Praise.

David shows up knowing who he was because of the anointing found in the midst of praise.

David shows up and sees this formidable force on his promised land.

David shows up and hears this foreigner spewing vehement vomit of accusation, false information and intimidation.

David shows up and all of the children of Israel are cowering from a trespassing foreign champion.

David shows up and hears the rewards that will be given to the man that can take out this daunting and taunting enemy.

David was not just being defensive to a jealous older sibling.

David was not reacting to intimidation.

David was not just trying to falsely puff himself up with limited resources within this temporary realm, to try to fix a current situation.

Oh no, David was invoking something far greater than just a rallying cry or knee-jerk reaction.

David shows up and does not just offer a rallying cry that will summon mere soulish valor or honor.

The question that David presumably asks, is in fact NOT a question at all!

David shows up and makes a declaration… “Is There NOT A Spoken Word!”

The Hebrew word for “cause” is devar or debar, which is more correctly translated, “Spoken Word”. 

David shows up and makes a statement that reverberates all the way back to the foundation of covenant promises, that were established by a spoken word.

David’s word that day was reaching way back to Abram as he was being renamed Abraham.

David was making a prophetic proclamation that had already been established by The Creator Himself.

David’s bold statement on that 40th day of containment, began to call on all the resources of every created realm, to begin to come into alignment.

David’s declaration out of his mouth began to set the wheels of deliverance in motion.

God is no respecter of persons.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

There is no shadow of changing in Him.

God said, I am God and I change not!

In 2 Samuel 8:14(b) the bible says, “…The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.”

If the Lord gave David victory wherever he went, then he has obligated Himself to give you victory wherever you go!

The questions that need to be answered right now are…

Is there not a promise land that you are to possess?

Is there not promises that are Yes and Amen over your life?

Is there not a prophecy speaking of your greatness?

Is there not a spoken word over your life?

Has God spoken something into your spirit of who you should be and what you should do?

I would suggest to you, to recall the word’s, the impressions and even the scriptures that stood out to you and seemed to jump right off the pages, and begin to declare them.

David knew that Goliath, this uncircumcised/uncovenanted man, had no right to be on Israel's promised land.

Has the enemy illegally come on your land?

Has the enemy illegally attacked your body?

Has the enemy breathed accusations against you?

Has the enemy showed up with intimidation on your promise land of your health, wealth or influence?

If so, then don’t cower like the mere men of Isreal did.

Instead be like the Royalty you were designed to be and show up on this day of battle, in the face of the enemy with a two edge sword in your mouth and make those declarations that God Himself spoke over you and watch as the wheels of justice begin to roll against and over your enemy.

Do Not, be intimidated by the vain imaginations, exalted thoughts generated by the word’s of a defeated foe.

The enemy's intimidating noise means nothing, when you believe the and speak the Word of the Lord over your Life.

So Today…

First of all… show up!

Show up for battle knowing that you are already anointed as “The Royalty!”

Show Up for battle knowing that the enemy has already been defeated but unfortunately not deleted.

Show up for battle knowing that you are the principality of light in your sphere of influence.

Show up overflowing with anointing because you already spent time praising and spending time with the King of Kings!

Show up with the Word of the Lord for your life and use it as the sharpest, strongest, precise sword, specifically designed as your weapon of mass destruction against the enemy of your dream.

This is your hour!

This is your divinely designed day! Do Not let the enemy intimidate you and cause you to cower back to the place of his containment in your life.

Enough is Enough!

Stand Up!

Show Up!

Make your decrees!

Proclaim His promises!

And… Take the head off that enemy!

This world responds to what it was made of.

Your words matter and when you begin speaking His Word with your words, look out world because something is about to be created, recreated, changed and overcame!


2024 “The Abundant Entranceway” 


You Are Loved